Changed Administrative Arrangements – COVID-19
Dear Colleagues,
Consistent with Government messaging about COVID-19 Burley Griffin Chambers will be modifying the way we interact with our solicitors and clients. We are trying to be a safe as we can and we aim to do as much of as we can on-line or otherwise remotely. Much has changed in the last few weeks and no doubt there will be further developments as our community deals with the challenges of this terrible virus. However, it is not the end of days but a challenge for the legal profession to progress litigation and case management in a different way.
We value your support and we will aim to continue to provide a high level of service.
Contacting Us
Our chambers will be contactable in the usual way. Our clerk, Rebecca Evans, can be contacted on her mobile 0412 402 204 or via the clerk’s email address ua.moc.srebmahcgb@krelc.
If you require direct contact with our barristers their email addresses are available via our website.
You can check with the clerk or individual barristers as to their availability for matters or if there are issues that arise in relation to particular cases.
Deliveries and Briefs
Our clerk will generally be working at home. If there are briefs or documents to deliver to chambers give the clerk a ring in advance so that arrangements can be made to accept delivery.
Generally, we urge consideration of delivery of briefs electronically rather than in paper form.
Meetings and Conferences
As far as possible, and in order to comply with social distancing requirements, meetings and conferences will take place electronically – by phone or other digital platforms such as Zoom, Skype or Facetime. Check with our clerk as to how this will be facilitated. Our clerk is able to email you with a training link for Zoom if you are unfamiliar with this platform.
Mediation Services
Our mediators will also now be holding mediations through the Zoom platform. If you have a mediation with one of our mediators, you will receive an email with details as to how this will be arranged. If you have questions as to these new arrangements, please contact the clerk to seek clarification.
Mediations are an important part of our work at Burley Griffin Chambers and will be of increasing importance in this changed environment.
Staying Informed
We are aware that your firm will be modifying the way it works in the face of present challenges. We are committed to make things work. So let us know what you are doing. Information sharing will help us get through this period in a constructive and co-operative way.
The Courts and Tribunals in the ACT are from time to time making changes to Practice Directions that apply to the conduct of hearings. The Bar Association and the Law Society are endeavouring to keep everyone up to date with those changes. We will endeavour to do the same. As a general rule, hearings involving people being in court are being curtailed. However, litigation is not going to end and the Courts will want to ensure that cases are properly managed and that the legitimate interests of litigants are not ignored. Interim hearings are likely to be more common. Bail applications are likely to increase.
If you have any questions at all about these changes or about our Chambers generally please call Rebecca in the first instance. We will do our best to help.
We wish everyone well. Be safe.
Rebecca Evans & Ken Archer