Jamie Ronald

Burley Griffin Chambers


Prior to being called to the Bar in 2016, Jamie was a partner in a longstanding Canberra firm where he practiced exclusively in dispute resolution and litigation.

Contact Details

Phone: (02) 6230 6912
Email: jronald@bgchambers.com.au

Admitted at the Bar: 2016

Practice Areas

Building and construction
Contractual disputes
Partnership disputes
Real property
Securities and investments

Insurance – disability claims
Intentional torts
Motor vehicles
Professional negligence
Work injury damages
Workers compensation

White collar and corporate crime

Environmental and planning offences

Real property
Wills and probate

Employment contracts and restraint of trade
Industrial disputes and statutory employment rights
Public sector appeals
Work health and safety

Commissions and other inquiries
Coronial inquests

Disciplinary proceedings
Proceeds of crime